Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Half-Way There

Today I went for another doctors appointment to check on how things were doing. I am completely healthy and no problems. It was great to hear the baby's heartbeat, it was really strong and he was moving around a lot. On Friday I hit 20 weeks so I am a little more than halfway there. I am finally starting to feel the baby kick a little and move around. I am still really tried, but that could be due to the fact I am trying to keep up with a 3 year old and almost 2 year old. Plus I live in Arizona and lately it has been over 110 outside. I haven't posted a belly shot yet, but I will have one up soon. I am not to fond of posting pics of myself when I am pregnant because no matter how much I try to keep my weight reasonable I still blow up like a whale.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure you look beautiful! How exciting to be half way there! Jamie and I are both so excited for you guys and cant wait to meet the little guy!
