Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Utah Part 1

I am going to do two blogs on our Utah trip because I have a lot of pics. and also because my sister has a few pictures I want to post on her camera.
The last 4 days me and the girls got the chance to drive up to Utah with my parents and visit family. Curbris was unable to come because they wouldn't allow him the time off work. We arrived in Utah early Saturday morning. We stopped first in Fairview to visit my grandparents. We visited for a little bit and than me and the girls headed up to Provo to stay with my Jamie and Stephanie. We had a blast spending time with them and getting to know each other better. Karma kept on calling Jamie daddy and we were always correcting her. I really wish we could have spend more time with them, but we had a lot of family to visit.

This is the girls with Uncle Jamie and Aunt Stephanie, Sadie of course had to be difficult and didn't want to take a picture.

Karma loves her Uncle Jamie, she especially loved climbing all over him.

Karma also loves her Aunt Stephanie, she enjoyed wearing her necklace and getting into her make-up.

Jamie getting Sadie to smile. Sadie loved spending time with her aunt and uncle there were so many new thing for her to find and get into.

I think Sadie's shirt says it all and Sadie loves her too.

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take this picture, sorry Jamie it was just too cute. Thank you guys so much for letting us come and spend some time with you. Karma is still asking me where is Jamie and Stephanie.

We left Jamie and Stephanie's house on Sunday and went to my Aunt Brenda and Uncle Steve's house in Salt Lake. We visited with them for a while. My dad's aunt and uncle were in town so they came by and visited us. It was great to see them it has been a long time since I have seen them. We took some pictures, but my camera was dead so I don't have any of the pics. Monday morning we got up early and headed Temple Square. We first stopped at Museum of Church History and Art because they had a Child of God exhibit. The girls had a blast in the exhibit they had a lot of fun things to do.

Karma is in the nursery section feeding the baby.

Now she is checking the baby to make sure it is ok. She really enjoyed playing with the dolls.

Sadie liked that there was plenty of room for her to crawl around and lots of things she could climb on.

They had these really cool chairs and benches that were perfect for little kids.

After the museum we walked around Temple Square, we took a few pictures.

The temple looked so beautiful.

Here is my mom and dad in front of the conference center with their three little sunshine's.

Me and the girls taking a few pictures.

I will post Utah part 2 soon I just need to get the pictures from my sisters camera.

1 comment:

  1. Oh we had so much fun with you guys! The pictures turned out great and I cant wait to see more from your trip! That museum is so cool, I have never heard of it before!
