Friday, July 24, 2009

IT"S A BOY!!!!!

Yesterday morning I went in to get my ultrasound. I was anxious and excited. We were really hoping for a boy, so when the ultrasound technician told me it was a boy I was so excited. I think that ultrasounds are one of the best things about being pregnant. This was my first time to ever see any of my kids in 3D and it was pretty cool. After the ultrasound I called Curbris to tell him the good news and he was so excited. I really think that he is way more excited than I am to finally have a little boy. Here are a few pictures from the ultrasound.
For some reason he is sad in this picture.

This picture shows that he is a boy.

I know you think you know what this is, but actually it is him giving us the thumbs up.

He is trying to cover his head.

Another picture of his head.

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