Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day At The Zoo

Me, my mom, and sister took the girls to the zoo for the first time today. I had never been to the Phoenix zoo and it was much bigger than the zoo in El Paso that I grew up going to. We had a blast there was so much to do. We ended up buying a year pass because we didn't get to see everything. I dropped my camera as we were getting ready to go in so it was giving me a lot of trouble and I didn't take to many pictures.
Karma thought this huge seashell was cool.

They had a little area where you could go and pet the goats. They also had little brushes that u could use. Karma loved chasing the goats around trying to brush them.

She did a wonderful job and I was very surprise that she wasn't scared, she seems to be scared of everything sometimes.

Sadie also liked petting the goat, she didn't like that most of the time they would run away from her.

Another cool thing they had was a Little People playground the best part about it was it was only for little kids. I hate taking the girls to the park when there are a lot of bigger kids because they are a little more wild and hog up certain things. Karma loved this little cow and she liked going up and down the slide.

Sadie also liked the cow it was perfect size for her.

Around the play area they had these cool little picnic tables, they were perfect size for the girls.

Me and Sadie.

Me and Karma.

The girls enjoying the zoo. We rented this cool double stroller thingy, Karma loved riding in it and she loved that she could get in and out easily.
There was just to much excitement Sadie fell asleep and actually slept most of the time we were there.

Karma and grandma.

A lot of the animals were asleep or hiding so we didn't get to see a lot of them, but the rhinos were out. It was funny to hear Karma try to say rhinocerous.

Than as we are leaving Sadie wakes up. We had a blast and will be back soon next time we will have to take daddy with us.

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