Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day!!

I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. Saturday morning we took the girls to the zoo and had a blast spending time together. When we got home we rested for a while, the sun really drained all of us. All week Curbris has asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day and I told him the only thing I want is all the dishes washed and the house clean. So Saturday afternoon after he rested for a bit he starting cleaning. Me and the girls left to run some errands, but it was great to come home to a clean house especially since I didn't have to clean it. We ordered some pizza and rented a movie and had a pretty good night.
Even thought I didn't ask for anything Curbris still got me a few things one of those things was a new vacuum. Our vacuum lately has not been sucking up anything so I am constantly taking it apart to remove the dirt that I pick up off the floor. Let me tell it is gross all the dirt and stuff that is on the floor. So we went online and picked a vacuum, I tried to pick one that was a good price, but I also wanted it to be bagless. Here is our new vacuum and I love it.

It has this cool brush attachment that is great at picking up stuff off the couch and other places.

On Sunday I had to work in the morning which I was really bummed about because I was hoping to have it off. When I got home from work I got everybody up and ready for church. Church was great. When we got home from church Curbris surprised me with a few more things also the girls made me somethings at church. Here's a picture of everything that I got.

Curbris got me these beautiful flowers, a card, and the balloon that says, "Queen for a Day." I love him so much he really made me feel like a queen.

Here are some of the things the girls made me. In Sadie's nursery class they made cards, a necklace, and she gave me a really cute picture frame with her picture inside. Karma's nursery class didn't do as much, but she did color me a picture and she even offered me her fruit snack that she got from nursery. She loves eating her fruit snack when she gets home from church so it meant a lot that she wanted to give it to me. I cant wait for next year because Karma will be a sunbeam and she will get to go up front and sing.

Curbris also made a great dinner for us. I love cooking, but it is nice to be out of the kitchen sometimes. Since I had worked in the morning I didn't get to much sleep so I took a long nap and woke up to all this food. Curbris had grilled ribs and chicken he also made baked beans and green beans with cheese. All the food was delicious and I really appreciate all the time and effort he put into the meal. To round out my wonderful day he picked up this chocolate cake for me and added the whip cream to it. It was wonderful day and I love my family very much. I especially love being a mom.

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